Our governance

At the heart of a solid group

The holding company CA Indosuez is a wholly owned subsidiary of Crédit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank (Crédit Agricole CIB), which in turn is owned by Crédit Agricole S.A. CA Indosuez coordinates all of Crédit Agricole Group’s international Wealth Management branches.

Their clients benefit from our shareholder’s financial strength and the wide range of expertise available from its specialised business lines.

We are part of the Large Clients division, which covers Crédit Agricole CIB’s corporate and investment banking activities and asset servicing for institutional and corporate clients provided by CACEIS, giving our entrepreneur clients priority access to highly specialised expertise.

A transparent legal structure

Our federal structure and our sense of international cohesion foster a consistent approach shared by all our offices.

Our group’s holding company, CA Indosuez, is incorporated under French law and its subsidiaries are generally majority owned or solely owned.

This close shareholder relationship brings effective governance, facilitating oversight and risk management and allowing constant synergies within the group.

A tight governance structure

CA Indosuez, a French limited company (société anonyme) with a Board of Directors, provides governance and implements the development strategy under the guidelines set by Crédit Agricole S.A.

Its governance combines the work of: 

  • A Board of Directors chaired by Pierre Fort, also Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône Alpes. The Board of Directors is responsible for all decisions regarding major strategic matters.
  • A Senior Management team reporting to Jacques Prost, which develops strategic decisions and provides executive oversight.
  • Cross-business management committees, which are involved in decision-making, including:
    • a Business Line Management Committee,
    • specialised committees.

The board of directors

The Board of Directors has 14 members, most of which occupy key positions within Crédit Agricole group.

  • Franck ALEXANDRE, Chairman of Crédit Agricole Alpes Provence
  • Valérie BAUDSON, Chief Executive Officer of Amundi 
  • Hugues BRASSEUR, Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Anjou Maine 
  • Bénédicte CHRETIEN, Human Resources Director, Crédit Agricole S.A.
  • Marie-Claire DAVEU, Independent Director
  • Philippe DUMONT, Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Assurances 
  • Meriem ECH-CHERFI, Group Head of Merchant Services, Crédit Agricole S.A.
  • Pierre FORT, Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône Alpes, Chairman of CA Indosuez
  • Michèle GUIBERT, Chief Executive Officer, Crédit Agricole des Côtes d’Armor 
  • Jean-Yves HOCHER, External Director
  • Isabelle JOB-BAZILLE, Group Head of Economic Research, Crédit Agricole S.A.
  • Pierre METGE, Group Head Project Steering and Impulsion, Crédit Agricole S.A.
  • Didier REBOUL, Head of the ETI Division, Crédit Agricole S.A. 
  • Eric VIAL, Director, Chairman of Crédit Agricole des Savoie

The business line management committee

All central and decision-making governance within our group has a federal structure.

A Business Line Management Committee brings together representatives from each of the major cross-business functions and each entity. It reflects the diversity of Indosuez and its array of expertise.

As well as approving all major strategic, managerial, operational, financial and organisational decisions, the Management Committee oversees the implementation and control of strategic and financial planning.

* Permanent guest


A decentralised decision-making structure

The local dimension of our organisational structure is crucial to the quality of our client relations and the services we provide.

Highly specialised teams in each of our 16 locations, vested with decision-making powers, ensure a responsive, local viewpoint.

To guarantee the highest level of expertise, we apply a cross-divisional approach around the world, which fosters cooperation between teams and constant synergies.